FunBites- Triangles Review & Giveaway

*Giveaway Closed*
Besides the lunchbox, one of the most important tools in making lunch fun is the cutter.
Whether it's for a sandwich, fruit, vegetables, lunchmeat, pancakes... these cutters do it all!
While the FunBites line has a few other cutters (green squares, red or purple hearts)...
in this post, we'll be talking about the new orange triangle cutter.
This cutter makes: 10 triangles, 2 big and 8 small.
These cutters are extremely easy to use!
L: Press outside piece onto item, rock side-to-side
M: Lift outside piece up while pushing plunger down
R: Result
The lunches:
In this lunch I used the FunBites Triangle cutter to make ham sandwich stackers.
Included are Naturebox's BBQ corn nuts and a boiled egg.
In this lunch I was a little creative and used the FunBites
Triangle cutter to make an open faced bologna boat.
Included are pretzels, a boiled egg and some trix cereal to make the water and sun. 
And now, on to the Giveaway!
One lucky Crazy? Maybe! reader will win a FunBites Triangle cutter for themselves!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you cant wait to see if you've won, you can buy it on Amazon or the FunBites website.
Be sure to get all of the FunBites cutters for the complete collection!